Dear Friends and Supporters of the Sycamore Music Programs and the Sycamore Music Boosters,
The Sycamore Music Boosters are very pleased to announce the beginning of a music awards program titled the “Sycamore High School Music Hall of Fame.” This ongoing awards program will recognize and award a variety of SHS alumni and music advocates who have demonstrated superior participation and/or support of the Sycamore music programs.
We are particularly excited about the four award categories, each of which will recognize different ways in which SHS alums and members of our community have contributed to the ongoing standards of excellence in our music programs. They are as follows:
Ovation Award: Given to a SHS graduate who demonstrated superior performance and participation in music throughout his/her high school experience.
Legacy Award: Given to an SHS graduate who demonstrated superior performance and participation in music throughout his/her high school experience, AND, who has continued to demonstrate superior involvement in music through continued education, professional, and volunteer involvement in music.
Advocate Award: Given to an individual who has outstanding qualities as an advocate for the music programs in the Sycamore School District.
Distinguished Alumni Award: Given to an SHS graduate who demonstrated superior participation in music throughout his/her high school experience. Beyond high school, the individual must have a record of truly distinguished and exceptional performance/service/achievement in their vocation and/or avocation.
We invite you to take a few minutes to read more about this exciting program, and consider if you will nominate a deserving individual. Our deadline for the submission of nominations for the 2013 awards is November 15, 2012. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Sycamore Music Booster President Ken Olson at
Thank you for your support of the music programs in Sycamore!
The Sycamore Music Boosters
Sycamore High School Music Hall of Fame Committee